Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miracles ~ Lesson 6

"I am upset because I see something that is not there".  Woah!  Is this ever not true for me today.  I am so good at seeing things that are not there.  From being insecure and thinking that people are judging me or talking about me, not measuring up at work and thinking that my superiors are about to ask me to step down, to my son using when he's not.  This is a great Lesson for me to practice..... wow I feel like I say that alot in my Blog but it is so true.  At times I am paralazied by my thouths and my perceptions of what I think is there that really is not.  I will continue to say this one in hopes that it will replace those negative thoughts with what is reality.  I AM UPSET BECAUSE I SEE SOMETHING THAT IS NOT THERE!!!  :-)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Long Weekend....

So I had a very long weekend and missed reading my lessons.  However, I am back on track this morning. 

So Todays lesson says "I am upset because I see something that is not there".  What I need to do today is to name the form of upset; anger, hurt, frustration, depression, etc. AND the PERCEIVED source.

I will let you know how it goes today. :)  I really love these lessons.  They seem to come at the perfect time, just like my step work.  I am always on the step I need to be on at the perfect time.  Now if I could just get done with this dang 4th step.  haahaa

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A Course In Miracles ~ The Book and where to find it!

It was brought to my attention by another member that she was unable to relate because she did not know what book I was reading.  Thank you "Tam Tam" for making that comment. 

The title of the book is A Course in Miracles (ACIM).  You can select this link for an introduction to the Lessons and/or you can go to for the lessons. (The entire book actually) I also went to Barnes & Noble and bought the book.

A friend of mine got me started on this and we would text or talk on a daily basis about how we were doing or how we felt.  I did the lessons daily for 47 days and skipped about 10 days and decided to start over with more diligence and effort.  I really believe in the teachings and the purpose behind them.

This is what brought me to this blog.  I wanted a place to journal I guess and to share my experience along the way and to allow others to do the same if they wanted to join me.

Miracles ~ Lesson 5

So I finally decided to move on from lesson 4 and started lesson 5 yesterday.  To comment on this lesson I realized that my "perception" of what my thoughts "mean" are controlling how I act and react to things outside of me.  When I have a thought about say..... my husband not picking up his dirty clothes at the bottom of the stairs,  I get angry and resentful and behave in such a way that creates more misery for myself.  When I can choose to say "this thought about my husband not picking up his dirty clothes at the bottom of the stairs does not mean anything.".  Its not as easy as "when I can choose"  That's why I had to do that lesson for a few days. haa-haa  And believe me, I should be doing it for about another 365 days. 

I am also using this lesson with things that I am working thru in therapy.  Yes, I need to work thru the feelings.  However, saying this allows me to realize that I don't have to suffer the pain that I have felt for the last 20 years any longer.  I can CHOOSE to perceive it another way!  This course is so amazing! :)

So..... on to Lesson 5.  This is another lesson I think I need to stay on for maybe a couple of days.  "I am never upset for the reason I think. I can not keep this form of upset and let the others go."  Phew......  again.....Laundry at the bottom of the stair. LOLOL

More to come later!   Please.....if you have comments or your own experience to share with me, please share it.  I would love to hear your points of view as well. 

Monday, July 11, 2011

These thoughts do not mean anything......

So this is todays lesson from A Course In Miracles.  I think that I am going to stay on this lesson for a few days or until I feel that I have gotten it down.  I know that I am supposed to do a lesson per day but this is something that I think that is very important to remember.  I can get stuck on some thought in my head that I have created and obsess on it for a very long time.  If I could just remember.... "These thoughts do not mean anything" maybe I could move forward.  So I am going to stay on this lesson for a few days!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Miracles...Lesson 3.

i do not understand anything i see today. that is the lesson for today. i have to keep it as simple as that. ok....i am having a hard time with this one. going to keep practicing. anyone else have any comments?

Saturday, July 9, 2011