Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Miracles ~ Lesson 6

"I am upset because I see something that is not there".  Woah!  Is this ever not true for me today.  I am so good at seeing things that are not there.  From being insecure and thinking that people are judging me or talking about me, not measuring up at work and thinking that my superiors are about to ask me to step down, to my son using when he's not.  This is a great Lesson for me to practice..... wow I feel like I say that alot in my Blog but it is so true.  At times I am paralazied by my thouths and my perceptions of what I think is there that really is not.  I will continue to say this one in hopes that it will replace those negative thoughts with what is reality.  I AM UPSET BECAUSE I SEE SOMETHING THAT IS NOT THERE!!!  :-)


Anonymous said...

I am supper proud of you Nikki you are an amazing woman and you show great fortitude and the willingness to move threw your fears! I wish you manny blessings on your spiritual path! success is assured threw your diligence and honest desire to walk this path that you and your creator have chosen together!
May you manifest your innermost desire and live free of the illusion that your past experiences and beliefs you have chosen have manifested for you! So that you will see for your self with the eyes of your creator the splendor and divinity of Who You Are!
Love and inner! :-)

Outspoken One said...

Thank you "anonymous" for the support. It has and will continue to be an amazing journey. :)