Saturday, July 9, 2011

Miracles.... Lesson 2

So todays lesson ... "I have given that all the meaning it has for me." This is going to be one for me to remember on a daily basis.  I wrote it down on a 3x5 card and put it in my purse for future reference.  There are so many times that I think about things or give people, places and things way too much energy in my life that I choose to think about negatively.  "I have GIVE IT ALL THE MEANING it has for ME".  I can perceive it however I wish. 

I give the flowers beautiful meaning, I give the dirt beautiful meaning, I give that guy who just cut me off beautiful meaning, I give that person who continues to use drugs beautiful meaning.  I also have given all of the negative meaning it has for me as well.  I have given that insecure meaning it has for me, I have given that angry resentful feeling the meaning it has for me.

I have given the feeling of love the meaning it has for me!

1 comment:

Tam Tam said...

Its interesting to think that something, (anything), has no meaning until I give it meaning. I have a habit of exaggerating the meaning of events in my life so they seem as important to others as they FEEL to me. I want others to experience the same lows and same highs as I do, to give credit to the way I felt. I am learning that my experiences are just that, they are mine. And trying to relive them for others by retelling my story doesn't make them more important, it takes the importance away. I am learning to stay content in life under life's terms and not feel the need to exaggerate my life for the sake of my ego.