Sunday, July 10, 2011

Miracles...Lesson 3.

i do not understand anything i see today. that is the lesson for today. i have to keep it as simple as that. ok....i am having a hard time with this one. going to keep practicing. anyone else have any comments?


Tam Tam said...

I haven't read the book you are referring to so its hard for me to relate to what that lesson is talking about. But I can read your comment and get something out of it. A few years after my mom died and things got really bad for me with using, I lost touch with reality. I actually felt like I could not believe what I was seeing or hearing. My senses were so out of whack that I would experience audio and visual hallucinations regularly. So I became very uncomfortable inside myself and carried this sense of dread around with me. When I came out of that fog and felt more grounded I realized how my perceptions were the causes of my negative thinking and negative feelings. I was partially true that I could not believe what I was seeing because the way I was seeing it was in fact incorrect. It was my perception that was effecting my emotions. So when I read your sentence, 'I do not understand anything I see today', I think there is more than just one way to see things and sometimes I have to stop and try and see things in a different light.

Outspoken One said...

Thank you for sharing your experience and I am sorry for your loss of your mother. I know that perception for me can be very confusing and I can second guess everything and at this time I am just practicing the lessons as they are taught. Keeping it simple and doing just as they say. This book is amazing and I am so grateful to my friend who suggested it to me.

If you are interested in following in the lessons or would like to see what I am reading you can go to and use the Lesson Selector to find the correct lesson.